Monday, 10 October 2011

All you need is love...

Ok, so I know I'm a bit late but reading all the news coverage about Sir Paul McCartneys wedding to Nancy Shevell yesterday made me think about setting the date. They chose what would have been John Lennon's 71st birthday to get married which I thought was a sweet touch and got me thinking about what couples consider when setting the date of their big day. 

I got married in August, I wanted to get married outside of hayfever season so I didn't have puffy eyes on my photographs! We talked about getting married on my husbands birthdays however he didn't want his birthday thunder to be stolen! I think its also a good way of never forgetting your anniversary! ;) 
Using family anniversaries and birthdays to set the day is a sweet way of incorporating personal touches to your wedding.

Nancy's wedding dress was made by Stella McCartney. I thought it was beautiful dress and perfectly suited her, set off with the simple bouquet of pink flowers. I love it when family and friends are involved in the wedding and Stella designing her dress was a sweet touch. 

I hope that it's third time the charm for Sir Paul after all, 'Love is all you need!' :)